Fleetwood Sliding Glass Door Repair. Contact Us Patio door wheel or sliding glass door roller? It doesn’t matter what you call them, we know what you mean. We get calls all the 犀利士 time with the request to fix someone’s patio sliding glass doors. There are several things we encounter when we arrive for a service call. First thing w do is to remove the sliding panels and see what condition the patio door wheel is in. Most of the time we can free up the wheels with removing the hair and stuff that gets wrapped around the wheel. After that, we spray a cleaner to penetrate deep into the wheel and bearings, then lubricate it with a dry lubricant. If the wheels work, we move on to step 2. We then inspect the bottom track here the wheels roll on. if there are any dents or flat spots on the track, it must be fit with a track sleeve to cover and bridge the track to repair the damage. When the track is ready, we re-install the panels and then adjust the panels to ride above the track and not scrap the bottom. If all goes well, we then adjust the lock and locking plates. Most of the repairs we make do not need any replacement parts. The bottom roller wheels are made to take a lot of abuse over the years and seldom fail. For new Fleetwood Sliding glass door products and installations, Click Here.
It is one of 3 things that it could be. Wheel cleaning or replacement, Track repair or panel adjustment. It will fix it every time.
Sounds like it i dragging on the track. I may just need and adjustment.
Yes. When the patio door is locked and adjusted properly it should have very little side to side movement.